Thursday, March 22, 2012

Extreme Bed Makeover!

Just a quick post to say "hello!" and let you know that Jude is still hanging in there. Overall he remains stable and he is just waiting on Dr. Hebra to get back in town.

Despite a rough start this week, Jude has been extra cute and sweet over the last two days. We snuggled a lot and he smiled a lot for me! Today he was cooing and nibbling on his hands. He has been such a happy little guy and that has warmed my heart and calmed my nerves about how he is doing right now.

Please continue to pray that he will remain stable and happy during these last few days of the week. We truly appreciate you praying for the specific requests that I mentioned in my last post. We are so anxious for our surgeon to get here...I even joked that I might greet him at his house with a cup of coffee saying, "let's head to the OR...even before set foot in your house!"

I'm sure you are wondering about the title of this post...

Well, Jude got another bed upgrade and his little corner of the NNICU got a mini-makeover with all this stuff getting moved around and re-organized. Many thanks to one of Jude's primary nurses, Meghan, for getting our big boy a bigger bed. Jude is really enjoying his new digs and he wiggles around in his bed often. His OT, Katy, got him a mirror too and our little guy is in love with checking out his reflection. :) He is really enjoying getting more and more active.

Here are two photos of Jude enjoying his new mirror:

I've really been enjoying these days with Jude. It is such a sweet time with my little guy. But my heart is also aching knowing that Jude is about to embark on another tough journey. I am terrified of him being "opened up" for surgery again. I am worried about any difficulties that he may face afterwards. I wonder how much this recovery will set him back developmentally. Will to pray for my worrying? Will you pray for all that Jude may face in the coming days?


  1. We will pray our hearts out! It melts me to see photos of how he is growing and THRIVING even in spite of his health issues. God is miraculous and will keep you all in His Hands of mercy and peace. I pray that you will find comfort in His shadow and cast your burdens, though they are mountainous, onto our Lord who will guide you each step of the way.

  2. Love your blog... praying right now for you guys!!! Our baby Esther is going to come April 12th in Seattle Washington. She also has CDH. Let the fight begin. So thankful we all have the Lord in this!!!

  3. I know how you feel... I remember looking at Ruby's smooth white chest and thinking that in just a few hours it will have a huge scar running down it for the rest of her life.... but I knew that what I couldn't see was a heart that needed repair. Just concentrate on the positives (aren't you glad you didn't come home to Greenville before you found out? Aren't you glad he's gotten so big and strong and better prepped for surgery? I know you are. :) ) It's incredibly hard, but the Lord will always give you what you need to get through. Hopefully this part of your trial will be over soon. Many prayers...

  4. Praying praying praying for sweet Jude (and for you!). Love the new pictures--those chunky thighs own me. He's in much better shape for this surgery than his first one--he's going to do great. Will be praying that he catches up quick developmentally!

  5. Remember Psalm 23 and that the Lord is going to continue to be there with you and Jude through this whole experience, giving you both everything that you need.
