Monday, January 21, 2013

It is coming!

We FINALLY have one of our computers back (the other is dead) and I'm working to get a blog update up tonight. It will likely be a LOOOONG one. There is so much to share.


  1. Just Enough For The Journey....
    I just discovered your Blog. I, too was born with a diaphragmatic hernia, among other birth defects. I am now 29 years old. I love, love, love to write!! And, I enjoy singing. It sets my soul free somehow. People say that I am good.... ;)
    Jude--love that name!!--is adorable!! Beautiful in more ways than one. No, wait. As my phrase goes, he is Beautifully Unique!! ;-D
    I will be praying for Jude's continued good health!! ;)
    Keep posting. I want to watch Jude grow up!! ;-D

  2. PS. "I (we) shouldn't be alive... unless it were for a reason." ~Tony Stark
    (I forgot to send that!! I think I shall blame my head cold!!) ;)
