Thursday, April 19, 2012

Oh Happy Day!

Hi friends!

Big News Tonight!

Jude was extubated today and he is now off the ventilator! Yippee!!!!
We are thrilled! And so thankful that the Lord planned a good day for Jude today.
Please join us in praying that Jude’s lungs will be able to comfortably breathe on Vapotherm and that he will not need to be re-intubated until his 2nd repair surgery.
I was able to snuggle with him for awhile today (yes, I am feeling much better now!) and I snapped a few pictures of Jude after he was placed on Vapotherm. He looked much more comfortable without that awful tube in his throat and he promptly fell asleep. 

Here is my sweet sleepy head:


  1. What amazing news!! Thank you Jesus! Still praying for miraculous healing that will blow the surgeons away! :)

  2. Excellent. Jude you keep growing, healing, and loving your family. And we will keep praying for you all.

    Colt's Mimi

  3. Oh happy day! He looks like a little boxer ready to take on the world:-)

  4. So glad to hear he's off the vent! Grow, lungs, grow!

  5. Look at the sweet boy! :) I pray for him every day Rose... ((hugs))
