Monday, April 16, 2012

Quick update 4/16/12

Another quick update tonight! (hoping to do a longer post tomorrow)
First of all, please pray for baby Lily she is having her CDH repair surgery tomorrow at 8:30am!

Second, please pray for me...I'm quite certain that I have a cold and therefore I am staying away from Jude. He is just now getting over his terrible cold/respiratory illness and I don't want to take any chances with making him sick! Please pray that my cold will disappear quickly so that I can spend time with my little guy! But praise God that Nana Beth (my mom) is here and she can snuggle with my little guy!

Please also continue to pray for Jude's lovely nurse, Meghan Bell! She is still in the hospital and needs healing!

Jude had another wonderful blood gas this morning and the doctors decided to wean some of his settings on the ventilator! Yippee! What wonderful news! The plan is to continue to wean his settings on the ventilator and to continue with his breast milk feeds into his intestine in hopes of getting him bigger and stronger (and therefore better prepared for his 2nd repair surgery)!

Thank you SO much for continuing to follow Jude's progress and remembering him in prayer for so many months.

1 comment:

  1. I will be praying for Meghan and Lily! I am so glad to hear about Jude gas levels. I will remeber to pray for your healing as well. You are one tough mommy!! Please tell Beth to steal a snuggle for the small group! xoxo AmyP
