Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Cross Bridge

Hello again!

Many of you have been asking about the ministry in Mt. Pleasant that is providing a wonderful, cozy home for us to stay in while we are caring for Jude. So, I thought I would take a quick minute to share their website with all of you. Click HERE to go to Cross Bridge's website.

As I may have said before, we have simply been BLOWN AWAY by the love and support that this ministry has already provided our family. They have been planning ahead for our stay and anticipating what our needs might be as we relocate our family to care for our sweet baby. We are truly thankful that the Lord has provided a way for Cross Bridge to exist and we are thankful that Cross Bridge is going to be our home away from home in the coming weeks.

Additionally, I wanted to mention to all of you that there have been a few updates to the Manna for the Moment blog about our needs. You can link to that blog by following THIS link.

Gosh, we are seriously so thankful for the many ways that the Lord is loving on us through all of you. Thank you.

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