Saturday, November 26, 2011

An update

Many of you are asking how Jude and I are doing with the contractions and high amniotic fluid and I wanted to do a quick update.

He continues to hang out happy as can be and has a great heartbeat. We still have quite an active little guy on our hands and it was quite exciting to catch him on Wednesday for the doctor to monitor his heart. I was told that the monitoring should only take around 20 minutes but because Jude was so active we were there around 45 minutes! He is such a wiggle worm!

I continue to have Braxton Hicks contractions throughout the day, but nothing regular or long term. The last two nights I've had quite a few real contractions but they always go away. We have a little more than a week until our scheduled c-section and I think we just might make it!

Please continue to pray for Jude and for him to be as healthy as possible! Thank you!


  1. I am glad to see that Jude is being a wiggley worm. You and your family are in Josh and I thoughts and prayers. If you need anything at all we are only a phone call away. Love yall.-Katherine and Josh

  2. If CHERUBS can do anything to help you, we're here. If you haven't visiting the Expectant Parent section yet, please do.

    Prayers for your cherub and your family!


  3. I had lots of fluid too, its no fun! Thinking of you!
