Monday, January 30, 2012

Mid-day prayer requests

Hi friends,
I just got off the phone with Brian (he is spending the first part of the day with Jude) and he said that Jude quite fussy again today and it is difficult to pinpoint why he is upset so often. Here are a few details about his day:
  • Jude is hanging out at the same settings he has been on for awhile on the CPAP. Occasionally the nurses have to give him a little "bump" of O2 when he gets really upset and isn't taking in quality saturation of O2. As you may remember, last Saturday Jude was on CPAP settings of 21% oxygen and he was receiving pressures at 5. Over the past few days he has been lingering between 28% and 50% oxygen and receiving pressures between 7 and 8. So, essentially he seems to be struggling a little more with his CPAP. It's not been mentioned yet, but my biggest fear right now is that they will re-intubate him with the conventional ventilator. The doctors have not mentioned this, but I know that Jude is lingering towards the highest settings on the CPAP. Will you join us in praying for improvement with Jude's ability to function on CPAP? Pray that his lungs will get stronger and recover well from the lung troubles that he has been facing.
  • They haven't weaned Jude's medication in many days because he has been struggling so much. We don't want Jude to be uncomfortable or to suffer through major withdrawals but we also want him to wean off his medication so that he can eventually go home! Please pray that Jude will feel up to the challenge of being weaned off his medications as soon as possible. Pray that the Lord will offer him comfort and rest with each trial that he faces.
  • The doctors made some changes to Jude's feeds today too. It appears that Jude's stomach might be inflamed right now. Therefore the doctors have decided to place a tube further down Jude's digestive system to allow for the continued absorption of milk but it will also allow for his stomach to rest, recover and heal. There is also a chance that they may investigate his digestive system with a small camera in the near future. Will you pray that the "break" that his stomach is receiving will be helpful and encouraging to his overall digestive health? Pray that there is no need for an investigation by camera and that he will be able to resume his "normal" feeds as soon as possible. 
That is the update for now. As I said before I gathered all of this information from a short conversation with Brian over the phone so hopefully Brian will be able to give you a more detailed blog update tonight about the changes Jude has been facing. But we wanted to go ahead and ask all of you to pray for our sweet boy.

Thank you friends.

    “Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives, and the one who seeks finds, and to the one who knocks it will be opened.
(Matthew 7:7-8 ESV)


  1. Going out to take a walk and pray God will breathe his breath into Jude. A perfect amount with all he needs, I am also praying God will protect Jude from any infection and invasion of any kind. Love this little boy!! Love you and Brian!

  2. praying for jude this afternoon!

  3. praying and have my intercessors on it!!!
